A CAD System for Diagramming Origami with Prediction of Folding Processes

our supposed system
Copyright(C) 2011 Naoya Tsuruta

In this paper, we propose a CAD system that supports drawing diagrams of flat-foldable origami pieces. Our system predicts possible folds that can occur in the current state of an origami piece and lists these candidates. This prediction is made based on the first four axioms of the Huzita-Hatori (Huzita-Justin) Axioms, a series of seven basic methods for folding a sheet of paper by referring to points and lines. All possible folding lines are generated by applying these axioms in our system, and then valley folded shapes are calculated and listed as candidates for the next step. When the user selects one of these candidates, the shape is automatically appended to the origami diagram as the latest step.

Software is available for Windows (zip). This software requires Java Runtime Environment. Save/Load is not supported, but you can export a diagram separately as png/svg/eps. Prediction feature is ON/OFF when sub-window is Open/Closed. [CAUTION] Please note that this software is under development. The system may takes a long time to calculate predict-candidates in the later steps.
In Japanese:
  1. Naoya Tsuruta, Jun Mitani, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Yukio Fukui, "A CAD System for Diagramming Origami with Prediction of Folding Processes", in Origami^5, pp.335-345, 2011.PDF
  2. Naoya Tsuruta, Jun Mitani, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Yukio Fukui, "A CAD System for diagramming origami with prediction of folding processes", 5th International Conference on Origami in Scicence, Mathematics and Education, Singapore, July 13-15, 2010.
  3. 鶴田直也, 三谷純, 金森由博, 福井幸男: "折り図作成を支援する手順予測インタフェースと次の手順候補に対するランク付け手法", 第9回NICOGRAPH 春季大会, 東京, 3/26, 2010 (査読あり)